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Thursday, April 07, 2011

Tara is Terrific

Thanks for the post from Irving Ayala

The show I am most eagerly anticipating this season is the United States of Tara. While the subject of the show - dissociative identity disorder, also known as multiple personality disorder - has been tackled in the past, never before has it been such a thorough investigation of the far reaching effects of this unique mental condition. Honestly, I think this exploration of the disorder is why The United States of Tara is my favorite show. In addition, the raw circumstances and emotion that are played out on the screen are unlike anything else that could be seen on regular cable television.

What I also like about the United States of Tara is ho! w the characters on the show are all flawed individuals with very human characteristics. At the same time, there is a physical draw to the characters that bring about a feeling of familiarity - you can really identify with their feelings, if not the exact circumstances they find themselves enduring. As a result, you understand - if not always agree - with their actions. Rarely do you see that kind of genuine portrayal written for an audience. In the end, the United States of Tara is pretty much the sole reason I purchased the premium package for my Directv, and now I have found so many other shows to enjoy as well.



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