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Friday, November 16, 2007

start compiling your wishlist people

there are three things that are on the top of my wish list this festive discount season.

and it seems that they are so essential that i can almost not wait for sale to be on. the three things, first of all, are one, a very sleek and powerful mobile phone, a hair trimmer - i have even looked at and liked one of the remington models and a wireless router - i have not really researched on this one. i should go it fast and make up my mind before the season arrives.

anyways for those are more impatient then i am, coupanchief is the savior - once again. they have popularly been giving online shopping coupons which you probably can not find at a lot of other places.

these people have got all kind of stuff on virtual sale. i was able to find all the three items on my wish-list at one or the other or related places. but my all time favorite still remains the dell coupons. though the home store online shopping coupons are also good. but probably my girl friend would buy more stuff from there than me.

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